Lately, I've been thinking a lot about 'Normality'. What is normal anyway? It is so common these days that people feel ashamed to be themselves, they cover their scars and flaws nicely, they don't share their personal struggles so as to feel/be 'normal'.We hide parts of our lives from family and loved ones. Why is that? Well, I'd say because we want to Feel 'normal' ... Be 'normal' and Stay 'normal'.
You this this photo up there, I would NEVER have shared it for anyone to see because that to me is not 'normal'. It's not just about my slim leg, if I have my way, I would even out my bum too. Insecurity you say? Yeah! try being in my shoes. BUT ain't we all insecure about some things in our bodies or lives?
Through my work, I've noticed that people struggle to conform to what is normal because the word 'normal' is different for everyone. It is normal to get up in the morning, take a shower, put on a nice outfit and makeup and head out right? Well, for some people, a lot goes on for them in between the above statement and that is their 'normal'.
People make assumptions and ask questions about my disability and the things that don't appear 'normal' in my life. To be honest, how can people be so blinded by this seemingly characteristics I live with? For some, my disability has become my defining characteristics but then again I ask; will a sick person do the things I do, achieve the feats I have achieved and touch the lives I have touched?
My life is 'normal' BUT with a twist just like everyone else. I appreciate my 'normal', I don't hate it and it's just the way I live. However, we tend to be ashamed of certain aspects of our lives that don't seem 'normal' because we don't see them often represented and when they are not represented, it becomes difficult to relate with because they are not "Popular".The pills people take, the wheelchairs, crutches, cane or any assistive device/technology people use is just to help them live their lives to the fullest. It may not look or seem normal to you but hey! that is their 'NORMAL'. It is nothing to be ashamed of or hide away so long as it helps you do life.
My point is if you are struggling or dealing with any for of challenge, you are not alone. Everyone is going through something. I know some days are hard and others days you get by just know that your illness or disability is not who you are. They are just tinny bit of your entire being.
'Normal' is simply different for everyone. You have good days and bad days However, the most important thing is you being able to do whatever you put your mind to do, be creative, have value and add value, be grateful and thankful because you are capable of doing so much. Live your 'normal' but whatever your 'normal is, make sure your are doing something positive for humanity.
Life as well as humans will continue to evolve so is our needs and desires. When your life changes as they sometimes will, adjust to your new 'normal'. At the end if the day, there is beauty in all stages of our lives. Find, embrace and celebrate that 'BEAUTY' that is 'NORMAL'.
Do not try to be someone else, live your "normal" because your existence is for a reason.
That was so empowering! Now I feel like the word normal should be eliminated, so that we can all be more welcome to diversity