Tuesday 28 June 2016


Hey guys!

This post is inspired by the devotional I read this morning (UCB).

How often do we forget that the future starts today 'not' tomorrow. We often put off doing things we love to do, pursuing our passion and spending quality time with the people dearest to our hearts because we believe that we don't have time for them TODAY!.

In our mind, we think that the much needed time will magically appear tomorrow and we will get things right. umhmmm! 'I laugh in Hausa'....... "Tomorrow never comes" does this look familiar anyone? It's true isn't it guys?

Friday 24 June 2016


Everyone is passionate about something. Something that brings you joy and fulfilment, one that you pursue with all your heart. ..... Something you do effortlessly while remaining your authentic self yet touching and changing lives positively. 
Often times, we spend our time doing things that call to our hearts using our time, gifts, talents, resources etc. in ways that are meaningful to us. We do this in hope that we will reach out and help other people who are hungry for the solutions we bring.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Autistic pride day 2016: Inclusion and Neurodiversity

Beautiful Beauty Kumesine........ Friend in my head lol
Autistic Pride Day is celebrated annually worldwide. The sole purpose is to create better awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and to shift peoples focus of autism from "disease" to "difference". To mark this year's event, parents, caregivers, healthcare personnel, campaigners as well as individuals were brought together under one roof by Blazing Heart Autism Center/Foundation to celebrate people on the spectrum and to encourage all to be a voice for Autism in Port-Harcourt.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Your best years starts the day you take control.......

The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.

Hey Guys!!!

In the mist of all the craziness going on in the world today, would you say you have control over your own destiny? The pressure is real people..... it is absolutely real but hey, don't you think it's about time you took some responsibility over what matters to you?

To be able to take control and protect dreams, ideas and all that matter to you, you have  to first of all protect yourself from all the negativity out there. Time is of essence to us all so do not spend it brooding over what they say or didn't say about you, how they treat you ....... guard your time jealously. Spend it sifting rubbles from diamonds and it will be worth it in the end.

Monday 20 June 2016

What motivates you?

Hey guys! 

It's another Monday Yay!!! How are you doing today? Hope you had a good weekend?

Okay. Today, I am talking about Motivation. I was talking to myself this morning while getting ready for work on the things that motivates me. It was raining outside heavily this morning and anyone in my shoes would really love to sit back, relax nicely while sipping on a cup of coffee . Sounds nice right? But NO .... Hell no I had to dash out in the rain clutching tight to my umbrella while I beckoned on a bike man a.k.a Okada to take me to the bus stop.

Saturday 11 June 2016

Get rid of 'The Victim' Mentality

If you are in a situation where there is little you could do for yourself, you will automatically become powerless. This feeling, if not properly managed can push the individual to start feeling like a victim.

A victim feels the way victims feel. It is a personality trait that is acquired over time. It is an individual's response to what is done to them. Most times, the feeling of defeat begins with a thought and if not properly addressed, it can progress, deteriorate and lead to depression.

Friday 10 June 2016


Child abuse is real. I comes in various forms, happens in different corners of our environment. It is a crime perpetrated by people who you think should know better. The educated, ignorant, old and young. Often times, these people are very familiar to us, they are respected, trusted and most-times, authority figures in their victims lives.

The kind of abuse children go through varies..... Sexual, verbal, mental, physical, psychological etc. The most commonly talked about of all abuses children have to endure and go through just happens to be sexual abuse.

Tuesday 7 June 2016


Hey guys!

Another week another interesting video.

What do you do to keep your head high in a world where we are constantly judged? This video advice's you on how to present yourself in the best way possible in order to make a lasting impression.

Enjoy watching and don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to my channel.


Monday 6 June 2016

Monday Inspiration ... Take a clue form Henry Fraser

Hey guys!
It's Monday .... Yay!!! now who else is happy? If you are not, then this story should be able to lighten your mood.

Henry Fraser is a paralysed 24 year old guy who paints with his mouth. His life changed when he went on holiday with friends and dived into a shallow water. What was supposed to be a fun filled holiday became his worst nightmare.

Wednesday 1 June 2016


Hey guys!!!

Drum roll ***** June is here!!! I *donbulivit* lol 

WOW! just like yesterday when we all screamed 'happy new year' June the sixth month of the year is officially here. So how are you feeling about June being here? Did he show up too early for you? Should June have waited a little longer? Are the things, dreams, goals etc. you set to achieve before June comes here yet??????? 


I visited a friend during the festive period and she offered to serve me rice of which I obliged.  The question that followed made me sm...