Friday 10 November 2017


A lot of things we do not know nor get to see happen at the background before the sun rises. We only get to see the beauty around us when the sun comes out. During the night time or the dark stage, so many things happen in our lives that most people around us don't get to see. The feeling on loneliness starts to get to you to the point where you begin to feel like there is no head way out of the situation. It could be in business, relationship, career, family etc.

During this times, it is very important to find something in every single day to make you smile. Find something positive to exchange your negative energy with. Somedays, it can appear a little harder to find but there is ALWAYS something and they as little as they are, are the tings that gets you through the tough times.

Beautiful flowers we see grow from the darkest of places this also applies to some of the strongest people on earth, they come from the hardest places of struggle. When you think you are being buried, you are actually being planted. It is an opportunity for you to take root, gain ground and grow for whatever for you end up taking, is dependent on your root.

Don't give up, don't lose hope and keep the faith for your darkest moments come just before sunrise. Hang in there for you never know when your next sunrise will come that will brighten up your life. Your strength and ability to continue doing life lies in your victories and no matter how small, always count your blessings.

Life is the miracle you are searching for. Don't waste your life worrying over things you have no control over. Focus on the sunrise ...... It will come.

Love, Peace and cupcakes


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