Monday, 20 June 2016

What motivates you?

Hey guys! 

It's another Monday Yay!!! How are you doing today? Hope you had a good weekend?

Okay. Today, I am talking about Motivation. I was talking to myself this morning while getting ready for work on the things that motivates me. It was raining outside heavily this morning and anyone in my shoes would really love to sit back, relax nicely while sipping on a cup of coffee . Sounds nice right? But NO .... Hell no I had to dash out in the rain clutching tight to my umbrella while I beckoned on a bike man a.k.a Okada to take me to the bus stop.

See I don't drive yet and I hate been beaten by the rain .... I don't just like the feeling but I had to motivate myself to go to work no matter what .... now that's self motivation. I do not need anyone to give me a sermon on why I should go to work (You don't need that either sometimes) I had to give myself a pep talk. I became my very own motivational speaker while waiting for my staff bus at the bus stop.

Motivation is the fire that burns from within. Motivation is the willingness, desire, drive and push to do something. It works differently for individuals as we are motivated by different things. For some, it is fear, pleasure, pain ........ Whatever motivates you, I will advice that you use it to your own advantage. Whatever makes you leave your bed in the morning, move you out of your house, take you out of your comfort zone should not be played with. It should be harnessed and channeled towards a good end for yourself.

Leaving my house this morning in the rain is part of a worthy goal I have set to accomplish great things for myself. Things I will never be able to accomplish had I stayed back at home to sip on a cup of coffee given the obvious excuse that it is raining outside. I stay motivated because I understand what the consequences of failing to accomplish my set goals would be. I also know that not a lot of persons recover from the pain of failure. I don't ever want to put myself in that position. I rather would pay the price today and party tomorrow.

The avoidance of pain, failure, regrets motivates me. The pleasure of having beautiful things of life, for being successful and soaring in my chosen area in life motivates me. the awareness that I can't fail because other peoples success is dependent on my success motivates me ....... It's a long list of things people! but to stay on top of my game, I have learnt to master the act of scheduling, setting achievable deadlines and following up on things. This makes it easier for me to keep track of all my activities. 

What about you? 

What motivates you? what viable steps are you taking to get to your targeted goals?
How much change do you want to happen in your life?
What do you love to do? what kind of motivation do you need to start doing them?

Do you need to speak to  someone about it? maybe it's time you put that phone call through, send that email, make that contact and connection. 

Don't run your life based on excuses because excuses don't satisfy. 

What brings real satisfaction is success achieved!!! 

Think about it, reflect and re-discover what motivates you. If you can't think of any, take a second look ...... it's right there and that's all you need.

It's a new week! Another opportunity to start again!!!


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