Wednesday 3 August 2016


As a child flipping through television channels I wish I had seen a disabled presenter, banker, singer, model, lawyer, doctor, teacher, engineer, husbands, wives ...... being themselves, doing what they love to do and earning a living and respect from their craft irrespective of what they looked or feel like. I really wish I had seen more of Persons with Different Forms of Disabilities in mainstream sectors living out their dreams. 
I wish I saw more of this community of persons in mainstream schools that I went to. I wish the society we live in didn't just sell a single story to my generation. I wish the projection of Persons with Disability in the society is better than what people see it as .... beggars, poor, needing help always, charity case ...... all things nagative!!!!!
I wish I Sharon Ifeoma had seen and grown up in a society that saw, received and accommodated persons like myself as 'first human' before whatever it is that befell us. I wish I saw more persons like me working in banks, hospitals, schools, radio/Tv houses, serving in Churches, business owners ...... I wish ..... 

I only wish I saw more positives about Persons with Disabilities. Do you know what it would have done for me? Oh it would have been such an experience!!! One that will leave me in awe!... one that will put a lasting smile on my face! .... one to push me to become whatever I ever wanted to be. One that would have built my 'confidence' to be all that I can be. 

Oh it won't have been just me sharing the experience..... I am sure this is also what countless others like myself would have loved to see and experience that for themselves too. How nice would that have been?

That positive projection would have helped struggling parents connect and share better, it would have blurred the line between what is 'normal' and what is 'not normal'. It would have made tolerance and acceptance more easier. Some parents would not have had to hide away their children rather, they would been proud to have, love and accept their children no matter how they looked or whatever their challenges are.  

The society would not have been so ignorant about disability related issues because of increased visibility and projection. People would not be lost or confused about how to approach, act or behave around us. It will be understood that having a disability is not evil, bad or weird. 

Truth is people are going to continue acquiring disabilities and parents are going to keep having disabled children. Life will always happen.

I wish the society will start changing from the inside of schools because the school/learning environment is the perfect opportunity to change perceptions about Persons with Disabilities.


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