Hey people hope everyone is doing just fine? I am very sorry for missing in action ooo It's no fault of mine biko.... Ok I will just say it I AM DOWN WITH MALARIA!!! Please I will get back to blogging soon. I just need extra time to take care of my self. Thanks to everyone who sent me emails telling me how much they miss and love me.... Awww I feel so loved.... I love you guys more.... I will be right back SOON.... Muaah!!!
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Hey people hope everyone is doing just fine? I am very sorry for missing in action ooo It's no fault of mine biko.... Ok I will just say it I AM DOWN WITH MALARIA!!! Please I will get back to blogging soon. I just need extra time to take care of my self. Thanks to everyone who sent me emails telling me how much they miss and love me.... Awww I feel so loved.... I love you guys more.... I will be right back SOON.... Muaah!!!
Friday, 24 October 2014
Ruby Young, two, was diagnosed with
aggressive neuroblastoma after doctors found a growth in her stomach.
Her older brother, Freddy, has now
written a verse to encourage people to give money for cancer research.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Integrity is the state of being whole and undivided, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It's concept is that of consistency and consciously living a life of morals, values, principles etc. Integrity is such a scarce commodity in today's world. People no longer keep their commitments, words, vows, trust etc. Sometimes we forget that integrity is personal. It is a choice an individual make to consistently commit to their job, careers, family, people,.........
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Hey people, hope everyone is doing good? As for me, I dey fine but first I need to rant about this our protector issue paining me...... Two days ago, I visited a relative of mine at his new apartment (he just moved house) I noticed that there were no iron protectors on the windows and doors in his flat..... Waoo.... I screamed. He turned and asked me what that was all about? I said this is the first apartment I am visiting in a very long time I am an apartment like this, in this in naija without iron protectors in it's windows and doors.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Hey Fam!!!, how are you all doing today? Ok I found this quote on Google+ today and decided to make a post of it. Ghost of yesterday or from the past can be used to explain a good or bad experience an individual may have had in the past. It could also mean something or someone from your past that have suddenly re-appeared into your life, bringing joy or less than a joyful memories with it. However, often a lot of people use it as a negative connotation when describing a bad experience.
Sunday, 12 October 2014

Hey people.... hope you all are having a great weekend. So I just found this thought provoking interesting piece on BBC's google+ page and decided to share it. Life is deep very deep as we often preoccupy our minds constantly with experiences we are missing out on, things we don't have, our situations that we forget how fortunate we are than we give ourselves credit for. Some people will give an arm and a leg to have the things you take for granted.
We have t start renewing our minds and become more grateful and appreciative of the things we have the blessings we receive every now and then. Don't forget that most of the things you take for granted is someone's prayer point. Pause for a moment and take a good look around you, you will definitely find something, endless things to be grateful for. Sometimes, we really do not know how good we have it until it's gone....... Learn to appreciate life in general, love, live and thrive....... See everything you have, everything happening right now as a blessing. Don't also fail to help and support those going through life stuff..... BLESSINGS!!!!
Sharon xxx.
Photo Credit: BBC.
K BABY IS HERE!!!!!....
Hey fam, how are you guys doing? hope not too bad....... hehehe as for me I am over the moon because as you can see, my long awaited nephew is here....... we have been waiting for him and God Almighty brought him to us in his own time...... he is healthy, strong and fresh yes fresh!!! He was born on the 10th of October weighing more than 3kg...... Yes he is a big baby I know...... The good thing is Mother, Baby and Father are all doing well. God be praised..... I will bring you guys better photograph of him biko..... ha am such a bad photographer.
I can't wait to start spoiling him silly....... He has brought so much joy and happiness to our family.... Waooo it's so nice to see everyone happy....... Hmmmm did I even mention to you that my K baby is our first nephew and our parents first grandchild? he has four aunties... yes oo 1,2,3,4!!! and two uncles so you see there is plenty "spoilzation" already happening around him. everyone in the family already has a name for him...... I gave him Chikaima which means ***it's God we know***....
Indeed, it has been God all the while and we give him all the praise. "Chikaima is such a cutie" and oh I looovvveee the way he smells......too
So here is my prayer to everyone searching, praying and hoping for the gift of a baby, God will answer you, He will come through for you at his own time, He will course the cry of babies to be heard from your household and may your quiver be filled with babies... male and female...... and may He bring you joy and happiness as He has brought to my family in Jesus Mighty Name Amen...
Now let me go back to my OMUGWO duties..... will be right back.
Sharon xxx.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
A young woman named Gina Giaffoglione a former gymnast was involved in a car accident that left her paralysed from the belly button down. She told her dad and close family members her dream was to walk down aisle arm in arm with her dad. It was indeed a perfect day for a wedding for the newlyweds as the bride took both family and friend by surprise when she walked down the aisle. Dreams do come through........ Just keep hope alive and do it no matter what.......
"I told her, whether we roll down that aisle or whether we walk down that aisle, we are going to do this. It's been her dream. It is obviously a dad's dream of having the honor of walking your daughter down the aisle". her dad said.
Be inspired......... take that bold step cos anything is possible.
Culled KETV NewsWatch 7.
Sharon xxx.
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Hey people!!! How una dey do today ehh? Hope you all are having a great holiday? am doing great myself and having a lotta rest. YES!! REST!!!! after all everyone needs rest abi? Ok today I decided to do this post on stylespiration featuring mua; my humble self. I love to play dress up, play with colours, find different ways to wear an item, I also do love to colour combination as well as pairing my clothes with different accessory to make it look good.
Saturday, 4 October 2014
To all my muslim friends happy Eid celebration. May it bring you and your family blessings, peace and love of Allah today and always.
Sharon xxx..
Hey people, today I want to talk about the word "Pity". In today's world people often look for opportunities to show the world how moral, compassionate and tenderhearted they can be. you don't have to have a physical disability to be felt sorry for. in fact "pity" according to dictionary.com is defined as "Sympathethic or kindly sorrow evocked by the suffering, distress or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid or to show mercy".
Last year summer I visited home from the UK to carry out research for my final project in school and of course to see my family members whom I have not seen in almost three years. My older sister got married while I was away so I was excited to meet and bound with my new in-law. He came to the airport to pick me up with my sister and they took me straight to their house so the bounding can begin......... hmmmmm without seeing my papa and mama oooo? see me see kidnaping hehehe.....
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
As we celebrate our 54th independence as a country, I am very sure that a lot of us do sincerely have dreams and hope for our beloved country. We have come a long way as a country however, there are areas our government have not done very well in, sectors they are yet to improve on and people yet to be reached. So what dreams do I have for my country?
As we celebrate our 54th independence as a country, I am very sure that a lot of us do sincerely have dreams and hope for our beloved country. We have come a long way as a country however, there are areas our government have not done very well in, sectors they are yet to improve on and people yet to be reached. So what dreams do I have for my country?
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I visited a friend during the festive period and she offered to serve me rice of which I obliged. The question that followed made me sm...

This is a heart breaking and sad news, one that shows love, care and family bound. A four year-old boy has written a poignant po...
Hi guys! Okay today I am feeling floral yay!!! Do you guys remember this pant from last year's stylespiration post? Well if you don...
Hello people!! Today is dedicated to celebrate mother's and I want to use this platform to celebrate my mum. She is an amazing woman ...