Hey guys!!
Today's post is about rejection. Rejection or it's feeling is something we've all dealt with, are dealing with, will deal with through out our life time. Yesterday, a little girl was crying and I wanted to know why she was crying so bitterly at a conner of the house. Our conversation went thus Me: IB why are you crying what's wrong? IB: Aunty Sha they won't play with me (Pointing at her sibling and some other kids) Me: come here girl (grabbing her by the hand) we walked to where the other kids are, I
thought I could make them change their mind but NO! their mind was already made up and guess what? IB didn't do anything wrong. I took IB to the store and bought her sweet and some biscuits.
Rejection comes in different forms, shapes and sizes and is no respecter of anyone. It doesn't matter if it is in a love relationship, between siblings, friends, neighbors or anything else.
Rejection is something that affects how happy you are, it is not a great feeling and can be unfathomable however, this feeling should never be allowed to take away your joy and happiness.
Rejection and criticism will always form a part of life unfortunately, this is the reality of life. There's going to be season's when your ideas, job application, projects, date requests etc. will be rejected by somebody, somewhere whether you know them or not.
However, accepting and acknowledging that rejection is part of life's experience is a healthy attitude. This attitude will help you bounce back every time you are faced with rejection or the feeling thereof.
Below are some tips on how to handle rejection.
- Cry if you must; Each time we have a feeling of rejection, we are often upset. it is very much okay to grieve. Give yourself some much needed space and time to grieve. Please do not dwell here for too long or else depression will set in.
- Confide in someone; Look around you, there must be someone you trust enough to talk your feelings over with and make sure he/she is the type that tells you how things are objectively without sugar coating the issue. This will help you release some negative energy and probably help you see things in a different perspective.
- Get off social media; Unfortunately this is the first point of call for a lot of people ... WRONG.... Please don't run off to social media every time you are angry or feeling a type of way. As real as the internet is, it is FAKE!
- Analyse; Take time to process and analyze what has happened, what lead to the rejection and the way forward. Don't take things too personal, find your way around it all and move on...... do better and be better.
- Don't revisit; Most times we spend so much time and energy revisiting the past that we forget where we are headed. You will become bitter and unhappy if you keep remembering the event and the people who wronged you.
- Accept; It's time to come to times with it and accept that life and things won't always happen the way you want them to and that is okay. You are not a failure just because things didn't work out.
- Forgive; Learn to forgive. forgive yourself, the people and everything else.
- Move on; It is time to take the lessons learned and improve on yourself.
I hope this helps and I pray you are healed of any negative feelings you might have.

What a great post! Awesome tips, sometimes it is hard to move on or not to revisit the past. But like you said it is ghe best way. Thanks for the visit.
Thanks Diana for stopping by.