Friday 20 March 2015


Image result for Garden
Hello people! Hope everyone is doing good? Okay! earlier this week, I came across a tweet that got me thinking. From the person's preceding tweets, I gathered that he was visiting Port-Harcourt City for the very first time. He was really excited about coming to 'the garden city' of Port-Harcourt. Unfortunately, after about three hours the tone to which he tweeted changed......... not good at all. He was angry (I bet you would be VERY angry when your expectations are smashed). His last tweet was and I quote 'Where is the garden in #PH? Overrated!!! **sadface**.
I felt really bad for this fellow because this is the City where I grew up in. I was born and buttered in the City of Port-Harcourt and to be honest with you, a lot has changed in the garden department. I remember as a child, we used to visit some of the parks in the City (not many of them tho) but they were BEAUTIFUL. Always a nice spot for people to relax and have fun. The grasses are usually green and beautifully trimmed, workers were hands on cleaning, there were what they used to call 'sulo' at designated points for refuse disposal. It was that good.........

Now as an adult, I can't say same to be honest. Each time a pass by any park, I end up asking myself a lot of question. Don't we like gardens anymore? has did we change our city name overnight? where have the flowers? and oh where are the people........ I mean the garden/park lovers like myself? The answer to these questions are not far fetched. We simply are what I call a 'new project people, not a maintenance people'.

This theory is true for most Nigerian, our institutions, and government. We often put our needs ahead of everything else. We only think of our pockets, personal, and selfish interests against that of the common good. All of these characteristics of ours, ends up breeding greed and corruption. Most of the times, our governments are not to blame. They played their part in setting up these facilities for leisure but we have failed countless time to maintain what was provided.

I hope that after this year's election, (since we now blame everything on election) we can seat back and #bringbackourgarden......... Garden lovers can come together and volunteer on how to restore our garden. Gardens/parks are lovely places for relaxation. Let's not deny ourselves and younger generations the privilege of enjoying these natural gift of nature. Let's not forget that we have a beautiful city. I LOVE PORT-HARCOURT.


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