9 year old Chiwendu Precious whose photo you are looking at was poured hot water by her madam. according to pmnewsnigeria.com, Chiwendu's boss Mrs Ifeoma Mbakwe poured hot water on this little child for failing to heed instructions given to her. How sad. If you remember a few days a go, I made a post about maids deserving better read it here. To be honest, I had a reason for making that post. Some of my friends complained that it was sort of one sided, some said it wasn't comprehensive enough while other's gave me *the eye* saying 'Sharon you will understand when you start wearing the shoe'. Another photo after the cut
I am not bothered by what they had to say. I only used this platform to share my thoughts on how I feel about the subject matter.
How can a human being do this to another woman's child? This is callous, preposterous and wicked.
Hmmmm the wicked woman's name is even Ifeoma............. This is not how people who bear 'Ifeoma' behave abeg. Walks away........
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