Sunday, 25 December 2016
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Friday, 23 December 2016
Hey guys!!!
Compliments of the season to you all. This month has been very busy for me. It is filled with loads of activities. So one of the things I did this month was to go on a radio advocacy tour with my friends (Freky of Faecare Foundation, Nne, and Osaki) during the just concluded International Day for persons with Disability.
Our radio tour was very important because we needed to get the message of INCLUSION out there. We wanted to let people know that 'Person's Living with any form of Disability' are no longer and should not totally be seen as a case of charity. The world have moved on from the 'Charity Position' to the 'Human Rights Position' and it will only be wise to do the right thing in this part of the world.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Hey guys,
Today is International Day for People with Disability. I am excited today because it is a day set aside to create more awareness about disability and disability related issues and how we can join forces together to support, partner and achieve the future that we want.
I believe that every human on earth is a change agent because there is something everyone can do and contribute towards the future we desire. That is why the theme of this year's International Day for People with Disability is 'Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want'. Just like the 17th Sustainable Development Goals, It is all about PARTNERSHIP!.
According to the United Nation, this years objective include assessing the current status of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and laying the foundation for a future of greater inclusion for persons with disabilities.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Hello people!!!
YES it's here! December, beautiful December!
It reminds me of Jesus's birth, Christmas, glitters, chicken, gifts, smiles, beauty, kindness, charity, love, sharing ..... And a whole lot more.
December also brings back my childhood fun memories Yes!
December is a beautiful month and I welcome it with loads of joy and I pray that all your dreams come through this beautiful season. Amen.
Be kind to one another, show some love and have loads of fun.
Friday, 18 November 2016
See the passion in my eyes lol! |
Hey guys!
So a few weeks ago I was invited to speak at an event organized by Faecare Foundation for female entrepreneurs living with disability find out more about the event Here.
Looking through the room, I saw women who are hungry for more. Hungry for a better life, hungry to be seen as business women who are hard working and enterprising. The question on my mind is; will women and girls living with various forms of disability ever be given a platform to showcase their talents, wares and expertise in the business world? Will these women be given the opportunity to compete and earn a decent living without being judged for looking different? Will there creativity, talent, personality and passion be seen by the public before their disability?
Women and girls living with one disability or the other have been held back over the years by a number of things ranging from lack of access to education, inclusion and participation, limited opportunities to access funds and training's, barriers thrown at them by society and not being taken seriously to mention a few.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
One who makes no mistakes makes nothing at all - Unknown
As humans, we have a history of handling our mistakes, failures and errors in an unpleasant manner hence, it can be challenging to overcome the fear of making further mistakes. We beat ourselves up and consider ourselves and every of our efforts non and void just because we failed, missed a mark or made a mistake.
Acknowledging, reviewing and learning from our mistakes is a great way to re-frame from making more mistakes .... Yes you read right.... I used the word more mistakes because we are going to continue to make mistakes on different level and occasions of our life as long as we are still breathing.
Reviewing and learning from our mistakes gives us the opportunity to become more aware of ourselves and our abilities and then see our mistakes as only a learning curve.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Hey guys,
Today I bring you photos and highlights from Hope Again Initiative event which held a few weeks ago in Port-Harcourt City. Hope Again Initiative is a community based vocational training and mentor-ship program run by Freky Andrew-Essien Care Foundation with the aim of empowering women and girls living with disability and promoting inclusion within communities.
The project goes beyond community and media based advocacy. It directly impact the lives of nontraditional members of the society, the under represented, invincible minority group of people .... 'The disabled community' especially women and girls.
To further improve the quality of life and standard of living for women and girls with disability, Faecare Foundation has taken the responsibility to reach out to these women in rural and urban communities in Nigeria society touching lives with vocational skills and mentoring programmes to help them acquire skills, grow their business, earn a decent independent living and gain self empowerment and economic freedom.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Friday, 28 October 2016
Hey guys!
So I woke up today feeling inspired to inspire, motivate and encourage you. Yes! You.
I feel like sharing with you some of the things I do and tell with myself in my alone time, when I am down and not feeling up to anything, when I just can't wrap my head around some of the things happening in my life directly or indirectly ....... I will be sharing this tips with you in bits and pieces.
You know, life is full of adversities and uncertainties and they come in different shapes, forms and sizes. It doesn't matter how big or small our struggles are, learning how to overcome them one-at-a time is a life skill that can help move us away from falling further into a 'why me' trap and instead, into a space of self empowerment.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Today is one of the most important day of my life. It not only reminds me of the disease called 'polio', but of the hope I see in the universe. One of togetherness and support to fight against a deadly disease that cripples, dent and damage the life and future of children of the world.
I am a polio survivor. One that has beaten the odds to live, achieve and is still coping and living with the effects polio left behind. However, not many children are as lucky and fortunate as I am. Not many children affected by polio have a life, not many families are able to get over the sadness that polio brings and certainly not many can raise their head in hope for a better future for themselves and family.
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Friday, 14 October 2016
Hey guys!
So this lady the other day walked up to me at the supermarket, she told me that she has been watching me since I entered the shop. Hmmm lost for what to say to her I just said 'thank you'. She said that is the problem 'gurl' rolling her eyes at me. She when on to say she wasn't expecting a thank you from me but for me to infect her!
Me: eyes out .... mouth open ... How and what do you mean?
Lady: I mean it just 'infect me with your smile and happiness.
Me: I gave her a bear hug and whispered 'relax you will be okay' in her ears. That was all I had to say to her.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Hey guys!
I know it's been a long time yeah. I have not blogged in a while because of work. YES! WORK!.... Okay back to today's topic.
From where I sat, I noticed his mouth moving. I looked away for a few seconds and then back to him and his lips was still moving. Who is he talking to I asked myself? So I leaned forward just to be sure my eyes weren't deceiving me but saw no one in particular close to him except his bag of chips, cookies and chin-chin.
Then it clicked! he had his hands over his wares and yes he was praying over them unashamed in a busy motor way not minding who was looking. Wow!
Saturday, 1 October 2016
Yay!!! My Country is 56 years old today.
We have come a long way. Yes we really have.
Like many countries of the world, organizations, establishments as well as individuals go through seasons and times, we are experiencing our own portion of it. This is not a time to cause out our leaders and be all negative. In fact, this is a time to celebrate and reflect on this beautiful occasion of our beloved county's anniversary.
Blessed with natural and mineral resources, rich in culture, food and diversity ..... And her oh so loving, smiling, happy, accommodating and good people and much more. YES! I said that ... you can take my word to the bank lol.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Yayyyyy!!!! It's my birthday.
Waking up this morning is a miracle.
I remember years back when it was a huge struggle
My life, my dream, my goals, my aspirations
Oh even breathing used to be a struggle.
I felt suffocated,
Every thing I did,
Every thing I looked forward to,
Every thing I turned to,
Everyone around me,
Felt so unreal.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Hey guys!
Have you ever been LABELLED? I mean I'm sure you've been in a situation where you felt awkward .... like the ground should open and swallow you up ... or having a feeling of shame, disgust, pain, anxious ...... because of what someone somewhere said to you. Hmmm well, welcome to my world Oh no! our world because we are in this together.
At one point or the other, we have all been labelled or called one thing or the other. Fat, black, too black, yellow pawpaw, blind, deaf, paralysed, ugly, lanky ..... and the list goes on.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Monday, 29 August 2016
Hey guys!
It's a new week and I am so excited about the activities I have lined up for me this week. My weekend was pretty busy as it was filled with loads of activities. I visited a friend of mine, attended a mentoring session where I met lots of young, talented and vibrant minds. When I left the venue, I ran into someone whom to be honest, I don't actually remember her but she reminded me about the place and occasion where we met. However, she said something to me that got me thinking.
She told me 'Sharon, I know you may have forgotten but I always remember the day I met you because of the things you said to me. She went on to say, Sharon your words stock with me and that made you 'unforgettable'!!!
Thursday, 25 August 2016
I have very simple life philosophy's that has kept me going for years that I would love to share with you. When life happens to you, care must be taken so that you don't begin to think and feel that the odds are against you.
My life's philosophy, is the core of my everyday living. From my point of view as a person living with disability, my physical limitations are not the absence of talent, ability and strength to do life rather, social arrangements can be seen as barriers and constraints upon the ways in which my life activities and experiences play out.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Hey guys,
We have a new video out today yay!!! Who else is excited?
This video teaches us how to live and excuse free life. It is sad that excuses provides us with nothing of value. Instead, it takes away a lot from us and render us powerless. Find out more in this video.
Please don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe. I love you
Friday, 19 August 2016
Today August 19, is World Humanitarian Day. A day set aside to honour those who dedicate their lives, give up their job, time, comfort, energy, career, lives ..... for the betterment of humanity.
"World Humanitarian Day falls on August the 19, the day in 2003 when 22 aid workers were killed in a bombing at the UN headquarters in Baghdad. It is a day to commemorate all people who have lost their lives in humanitarian service and to celebrate the spirit that inspires humanitarian work around the world".
To everyone involved in any form of humanitarian work around the world, I say THANK YOU. Thank you because you make the world a better place. People all over the world need our help one way or the other .... Let's do more! Let's be compassionate because many need freedom, food, care, love, shelter, relief..... People are experiencing famine, persecution, violence, pain, poverty, diseases, loneliness......
Disability models are tools used to define impairments, understand disability and ultimately, provide governments and society basis for strategizing to meet the needs of persons living with disability.
These models are useful tools to gain understanding and better perspectives of disability issues however, this models have been received well in the society.
Disability models provides insight on perceptions, attitudes, prejudices and conceptions of how individuals in society perceive persons with disability. Also, the way society provide or limit access to rights, services, political participation, work, economic influence and empowerment etc. for persons with disabilities are revealed in these models. If followed, it will help society take responsibility for enabling inclusion and participation.
Monday, 15 August 2016
Happy Monday guys!
So over the weekend something happened and I want to share that experience with you. Are you ready???
You see that photo up there? I didn't make it. I bought it from a woman in her 60's. I came out to clean my corridor when I spotted her carrying a tray filled with bread, a bucket of 'akara' and 'akamu'.
I beckoned on her to come in and she did. I tasted her akara and loved it and wanted more however, as I chewed on my akara, I noticed sadness and weakness in her eyes. I wanted to know why so I asked her and the following conversation ensued.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Nigerian Minister of Health Professor Isaac Adewole, confirmed the out break of two new cases of polio virus in Borno State, Nigeria.
Reading this news on The Guardian News Paper yesterday broke my heart. I am a polio survivor. I live with it's effect and damage on a daily basis just like countless others. This shouldn't be happening in this generation ..... I mean this is 2016 people!!!
Friday, 5 August 2016
Hey guys,
There is so much demand on our time this days that you can be overwhelmed following all the activity going on. In other not to lose yourself in all of life's busyness, you need to re-connect with yourself. Find out how to re-connect with yourself in this video.
Watch, like, comment, share and subscribe to my channel.
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
As a child flipping through television channels I wish I had seen a disabled presenter, banker, singer, model, lawyer, doctor, teacher, engineer, husbands, wives ...... being themselves, doing what they love to do and earning a living and respect from their craft irrespective of what they looked or feel like. I really wish I had seen more of Persons with Different Forms of Disabilities in mainstream sectors living out their dreams.
I wish I saw more of this community of persons in mainstream schools that I went to. I wish the society we live in didn't just sell a single story to my generation. I wish the projection of Persons with Disability in the society is better than what people see it as .... beggars, poor, needing help always, charity case ...... all things nagative!!!!!
Monday, 1 August 2016
Monday, 25 July 2016
Hey guys!
Happy Monday everyone.
I hope you had an amazing weekend? Mine was fabulous as I got to spend it with family. I had so much fun playing, eating and just lazing around the house. I love the fact that for a minute, I didn't get to think about work, deadlines, annoying boss, annoying colleagues,.... and all the things that comes with WORK. Lol.
While luxuriating over the weekend, I over heard a neighbor complaining about how things are bad for him and his family, how the devil is fighting them at every corner ..... He talked about being tired, afraid, exhausted and hopeless. For a minute, I paused and prayed for him in my heart. I asked God to help him, send him help speedily and bless him and his household.
Happy Monday everyone.
I hope you had an amazing weekend? Mine was fabulous as I got to spend it with family. I had so much fun playing, eating and just lazing around the house. I love the fact that for a minute, I didn't get to think about work, deadlines, annoying boss, annoying colleagues,.... and all the things that comes with WORK. Lol.
While luxuriating over the weekend, I over heard a neighbor complaining about how things are bad for him and his family, how the devil is fighting them at every corner ..... He talked about being tired, afraid, exhausted and hopeless. For a minute, I paused and prayed for him in my heart. I asked God to help him, send him help speedily and bless him and his household.
Friday, 22 July 2016
Hey guys!
Another day another video yay!!!
So in this video I talked about how you can keep hope alive when your life is not exciting, when your business is failing, when things are not going right in your life......... Find out how you can keep hope alive.
Happy viewing. Please don't forget to share, like, comment and subscribe.
Monday, 18 July 2016
Hey guy's! Hope you are okay?
It's another Monday and I am feeling all type of inspired ..... Is that even a correct sentence? lol
Any road will get you to where you are going in life if you don't care about or give great thought to where you are going. Like the saying goes "The road to success is always under construction" this means we are always consciously working on it .... For example, if your goal 10 years ago was to become a Lawyer. At the time, for you that was considered 'success' now having achieved that, you will set another success goal/target ..... and the circle continues.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
The bill prohibiting the 'discrimination against person's with disability' has passed the 3rd and final reading
When I saw the news yesterday I received with joy the passage of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Bill 2016. The disable community commend the House of Senate for passing this bill for it's third and final reading while we await it's harmonization by the two legislative houses. We pray that President accent's to it.
This is a step towards the right direction. The jinx has been broken ..... Way to go guys
"How your children turn out says more about your parenting skills than about their struggles, genes or disability" - Sharon Ifeoma
If you have a child with any form of disability like other millions of parents in various parts of the world, you are not alone. Emotions ranging from anger, guilt, confusion, fear, pain, grief, loss, disappointment, rejections, questions, powerlessness etc. as seen here flood your heart. There are many kinds of resources out there to help you along the way and through difficult phase and process. Here are some tips for parents:
- School yourself as much as possible about your child's disability: Read about the disability there are so many resources online and off line, don't be afraid to ask questions especially clarifications from the doctors on medical terminologies, diagnosis, reports and evaluations on your child. Study your child's progress and keep notes of them. Don't leave the job totally to the doctors.
- Start early or as soon as you notice that something is wrong: Early intervention is key when addressing the needs of a disabled child. The sooner these issues are addressed, the better the outcome.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
"How your children turn out says more about your parenting skills than about their struggles, genes or disability" - Sharon Ifeoma
Many emotions flood the heart and mind of parent's when they receive a bad, life changing destiny altering report about their child. For my mum, she described what she felt as 'devastating, heartbreaking and like a sharp knife had just pierced her heart' ..... 'My dad went completely blank, numb and speechless' a position no one should ever be in.
The feeling can range from denial to fear, grief, loss and anger on learning that your child may / or already have a disability. You tell yourself immediately that this cannot be happening to me.... no not my child .... why? why my family? The confusion journey has just started.
Friday, 8 July 2016
The maiden edition for the much talked about Rivers State Disability Rights Campaign Awareness Walk held on Friday, July 1st 2016 in support for the ongoing fight against discrimination and inhuman treatment against Person's Living with Disability (PLD's) in Rivers State and generally in the country.
Celebrities, Clergymen as well as Musicians such as Afy Douglas, Dan D' Humorous, Jesus Boy, Wisdom K, Ebiere, Pastor Charles Koko, Angel D'Laff etc. joined several well meaning concerned Nigerians from different sector and status of the society to lend their support, create awareness and project the needs of disabled people in the society.
The walk which is aimed at lending a voice and creating awareness to Person's Living with a Disability in the society was a huge success as people came out en masses to participate and lend their support.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Hey guys,
I hope this video helps someone with a disability out there facing different levels of barrier.
Barriers are factors that limits our day to day functioning and creates discomfort. As humans, we all face different barrier challenge and these barriers makes it difficult for us to live a normal life whether they are natural or man-made. Find out how you can navigate these barriers in this video.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Last month, speaking at the United State of Women Summit, Oprah Winfrey and First Lady Michelle Obama two of the worlds most influential female leaders in the world had a heart to heart, real conversation on just about everything. From Obama's 'swaggerliousness' to Michelle's desire to go shopping without security details insight to some really powerful advice to young men and women to be better.
Friday, 1 July 2016

Hey guys!...
July is here!!! It's the month that begins the second half of the year. Embrace it ... Start again ... It comes with loads of goodness and opportunities so key into it and shine.
Be thankful and grateful because you are still here and that's all that matters.
Welcome to the month of July.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
This post is inspired by the devotional I read this morning (UCB).
How often do we forget that the future starts today 'not' tomorrow. We often put off doing things we love to do, pursuing our passion and spending quality time with the people dearest to our hearts because we believe that we don't have time for them TODAY!.
In our mind, we think that the much needed time will magically appear tomorrow and we will get things right. umhmmm! 'I laugh in Hausa'....... "Tomorrow never comes" does this look familiar anyone? It's true isn't it guys?
Friday, 24 June 2016
Everyone is passionate about something. Something that brings you joy and fulfilment, one that you pursue with all your heart. ..... Something you do effortlessly while remaining your authentic self yet touching and changing lives positively.
Often times, we spend our time doing things that call to our hearts using our time, gifts, talents, resources etc. in ways that are meaningful to us. We do this in hope that we will reach out and help other people who are hungry for the solutions we bring.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Autistic pride day 2016: Inclusion and Neurodiversity
Beautiful Beauty Kumesine........ Friend in my head lol |
Autistic Pride Day is celebrated annually worldwide. The sole purpose is to create better awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and to shift peoples focus of autism from "disease" to "difference". To mark this year's event, parents, caregivers, healthcare personnel, campaigners as well as individuals were brought together under one roof by Blazing Heart Autism Center/Foundation to celebrate people on the spectrum and to encourage all to be a voice for Autism in Port-Harcourt.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Your best years starts the day you take control.......
Hey Guys!!!
In the mist of all the craziness going on in the world today, would you say you have control over your own destiny? The pressure is real people..... it is absolutely real but hey, don't you think it's about time you took some responsibility over what matters to you?
To be able to take control and protect dreams, ideas and all that matter to you, you have to first of all protect yourself from all the negativity out there. Time is of essence to us all so do not spend it brooding over what they say or didn't say about you, how they treat you ....... guard your time jealously. Spend it sifting rubbles from diamonds and it will be worth it in the end.
Monday, 20 June 2016
What motivates you?
Hey guys!
It's another Monday Yay!!! How are you doing today? Hope you had a good weekend?
Okay. Today, I am talking about Motivation. I was talking to myself this morning while getting ready for work on the things that motivates me. It was raining outside heavily this morning and anyone in my shoes would really love to sit back, relax nicely while sipping on a cup of coffee . Sounds nice right? But NO .... Hell no I had to dash out in the rain clutching tight to my umbrella while I beckoned on a bike man a.k.a Okada to take me to the bus stop.
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Get rid of 'The Victim' Mentality
If you are in a situation where there is little you could do for yourself, you will automatically become powerless. This feeling, if not properly managed can push the individual to start feeling like a victim.
A victim feels the way victims feel. It is a personality trait that is acquired over time. It is an individual's response to what is done to them. Most times, the feeling of defeat begins with a thought and if not properly addressed, it can progress, deteriorate and lead to depression.
A victim feels the way victims feel. It is a personality trait that is acquired over time. It is an individual's response to what is done to them. Most times, the feeling of defeat begins with a thought and if not properly addressed, it can progress, deteriorate and lead to depression.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Child abuse is real. I comes in various forms, happens in different corners of our environment. It is a crime perpetrated by people who you think should know better. The educated, ignorant, old and young. Often times, these people are very familiar to us, they are respected, trusted and most-times, authority figures in their victims lives.
The kind of abuse children go through varies..... Sexual, verbal, mental, physical, psychological etc. The most commonly talked about of all abuses children have to endure and go through just happens to be sexual abuse.
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Hey guys!
Another week another interesting video.
What do you do to keep your head high in a world where we are constantly judged? This video advice's you on how to present yourself in the best way possible in order to make a lasting impression.
Enjoy watching and don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to my channel.
Monday, 6 June 2016
Monday Inspiration ... Take a clue form Henry Fraser
Hey guys!
It's Monday .... Yay!!! now who else is happy? If you are not, then this story should be able to lighten your mood.
Henry Fraser is a paralysed 24 year old guy who paints with his mouth. His life changed when he went on holiday with friends and dived into a shallow water. What was supposed to be a fun filled holiday became his worst nightmare.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Hey guys!!!
Drum roll ***** June is here!!! I *donbulivit* lol
WOW! just like yesterday when we all screamed 'happy new year' June the sixth month of the year is officially here. So how are you feeling about June being here? Did he show up too early for you? Should June have waited a little longer? Are the things, dreams, goals etc. you set to achieve before June comes here yet???????
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Bitterness is a killer disease. It defiles the body, soul and mind. It can rub you of so many things. This video explains the dangers of bitterness and provides you with tips on how to overcome bitterness.
Have fun watching and please let me know what you think and also share your story with me. Cheers
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Congratulations #Tsquared

Hey guys!
So today is OAP's Tools Oniru and Captain Demuren's wedding day (they are already married). Looking through the pictures on the internet, my heart just melts because of how beautiful the bride, groom and everyone else looked. However, what caught my eyes and probably what's on everyone's lips was how gorgeous the wedding dress look.
Friday, 27 May 2016
Happy children's day to every child out there Most importantly to all kids with 'special needs' (physical or intellectual) You all are loved.
Aunty Shasha loves you
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Comfort zones are those areas in our lives where we are not growing, stretching, where we are not putting ourselves under pressure. Just like comfort food that we all love that makes us fat, our comfort zones make us fat. You get fat staying in a place where you literally do nothing but keep taking in stuff.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Everyone gets angry right? but, this is different when the person(s) involved live with a disability.
This video answers the questions centered around 'disability and anger'.
Monday, 23 May 2016
Lessons from #Tomatoes

Tomatoes is one of the world's favourite vegetables. They are packed full of antioxidants and nutrients as well as vitamins. However, of recent, our beloved tomatoes doesn't come cheap any more. Yesterday, I went to the market to buy tomatoes and I noticed that irrespective of the high price, people were buying tomatoes. I also noticed that everyone buying tomatoes at each point of sale complained yet they were paying to have it.
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I visited a friend during the festive period and she offered to serve me rice of which I obliged. The question that followed made me sm...

This is a heart breaking and sad news, one that shows love, care and family bound. A four year-old boy has written a poignant po...
Hi guys! Okay today I am feeling floral yay!!! Do you guys remember this pant from last year's stylespiration post? Well if you don...
Hello people!! Today is dedicated to celebrate mother's and I want to use this platform to celebrate my mum. She is an amazing woman ...