"Life and all that is in it is nothing but a gift. Never take it for granted".-Unknown
We, every one of us drift through life every single day without fully appreciating what is going on around us. we all do it. we are all guilty of doing it. we have become so familiar with our little world that we do not really stop for a bit to thank our maker for the things we have, the people around us, and the things we are able to do on our own. I left my house today looking amazingly beautiful. I felt so great about myself today that in my own little world, "am all that matter". Hmmm maybe not.... hahaha not until I looked around and noticed some things. Isn't it amazing how God opens our eyes to see things that gets us thinking for a moment? I was in a car going out when suddenly I started seeing mad people...... not one, two or three..... No they were not together. I saw each of them at different spot on the road. One of them a female had taken ownership of the round about.
So long as she is concerned, that is her home. she didn't care how she looked neither did she care about those walking past her....... In her world, she is not mad. The people I saw today were very vibrant men and women, full of strength, energy and life. The painful part of it all is that they are all young people ..... very YOUNG!!! with potentials, talents and skills but unfortunately, they can't be tapped or used.
I got off the car thinking of how much of life we take for granted, how much of it we do not appreciate. We take for granted the little things we freely get by naturally,...... Like dressing up in our choice of clothes, shoes, bag, jacket, tie,...... combining colours to look great..... we take for granted our shelter that holds us when it is cold, rainy and when it is shining. we all take for granted the fact that our sensories are working and the fact that we know what is happening around us.
We also take part in activities as active role players and participants in our environment. We take for granted the fact that our lives does not cause our loved ones pain. Hmmm all these and more should make us really think. the individuals we see as "mad" have families, they are people's children, daughters, sons etc.... they are loved by their families, they are part of our society. Unfortunately, the Nigerian society does not see them as part of her because of their "Visible abnormal difference".
Today I counted myself lucky for having and living with a visible disability...... Howbeit, I appreciated more the fact that my sensories are working... Like my friends would always tell me "Sharon na leg e do you nor be for brain".
Thank you for stopping by: Sharon xxx.
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